Sunday, January 18, 2009

I believe sexy

I thought an irreverent launch to this new series on things I believe would be fun. Much of my philosophy can be indulgently deep and levity is important in everything.

I believe in sexy. I believe that despite my nose, lung-pressing inverted sternum and that awkward period from age 7 to 17, that I am sexy. Sexy is being in your body fully, it is sex and touch and it is a basic need, like food and water and air. Senses should be sensual, should be enjoyed and reveled in. Sex and our bodies are beautiful outside, in the light, with excitement and joy. Shame is useless, it only moves things to dark corners to fester.

Far too much of my life has been spent in forced shame of my body, my mind, my emotions. This picture is my silly way of stating that I am exactly who I was made to be. I have not been an athlete, but that does not mean I am not athletic and do a push-up! I have not been a model, but that does not mean my body is undesirable. I have not been in love, but that does not mean I am incapable of it. Sexy is comfort and connection. I'm feeling pretty cozy.

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