Monday, December 29, 2008

Fear and Innovation

The economy is in a recession that we will recover from, or not. Either way, it is unknown how bad things will get. What scares me is my ability to make money. I am a smart, insightful and creative guy. But the housing market is a mess and I've no idea how long the company I work for will stay large enough for me. And we are not exactly growing, so it is at best a currently dead end job. But look around, it is hard to get a job at Starbucks or McDonalds right now. There is so much competition for every position out there. So my brain, intuitiveness and sincerity are no match in resume form for someone who has 10 years experience. Meanwhile, I have a very expensive education 2/3 the way through that I need to focus on and not get distracted by the $300+ month interest payments. In the long run, I am an asset. But in the short run, how do I survive?

*I wrote that last night... but was so depressed that I went completely into my head and needed to stretch and talk to a friend to pull myself out rather than submit it to the universe.

Today I had a decent work day, a fantastic informational interview about the Duwamish project and a few other good bits including spotting this picture of a whimsical, yet elegant approach to the daily ritual of slippers. For me it shows the importance of innovation as the solution to the new economy. We have no idea what the future may hold and that certainly requires caution, but there is a fantastic opportunity for joy. The Duwamish project could be this incredible opportunity to meet amazing people, the housing market could improve and let my job fulfill its promise and whatever happens... brilliant things can be found in the smallest details.

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