Thursday, January 08, 2009


Lichtenstein used to be my favorite country in the world. I even had this short lived youthful (bi-polar) delusion that I was the long lost son of the crown prince. ha

I read on strangemaps that their "subnational entities are fragmented to such an extent that, internally, Liechtenstein looks like a crazy patchwork quilt. It must be the most exclave-rich country in the world, at least relative to the rather small number of subnational entities... While many of these Liechtensteinian fragments might be considered exclaves, most also border more than one other territory, and consequently only three can be considered enclaves (which are totally surrounded by only one other territory): the communes of Schaan and Planken each contain an enclave of each other within their main territory (each enclave in this case naturally also being an exclave), Schaan also containing an enclave of Vaduz (which, from the point of view of Vaduz, is an exclave, of course)."

1 comment:

Jami Janelle said...

you are such a nerd. I remember when you used to talk about Lichtenstein ALL the time! sigh. yep. still love you.