Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Inside all of us is...

fear, fear of the unknown and terrible. I'm afraid, of running out of money, of my gamble of getting funding for my non-profit and study will not pan out. I have fear that I'll be alone forever and that my energy will someday crash. I have fear.

hope, hope in the possible and wonderful. I'm hopeful that my projects will continue on track. I have hope that I'll maintain joy single or partnered and I have hope the perfect man is out there for me. I have hope that my energy will continue to rise and stay consistent. I have hope that everything in life will go up and down and that I will come out stronger and more at peace with each fall and rise again. I have hope.


Rachael said...

Did you paint these? :-)

Gerod said...

they are from the trailer for "where the wild things are"