Friday, April 03, 2009

State of body

I've decided to declare a physical state of pseudo-emergency. Here I am in bed early on a Friday because, even with a nap and a great mental state, I've been exhausted. My digestion has been weird, my energy has adjusted to a sedentary state, my posture is no good and most terrible of all, I'm skinny fat.


A dude who has a gut and little girl arms. It is an implied insult that he does not benefit from fat guy arms, by which fat guys at least get to be tough looking.

I may not be near as bad as the urban dictionary describes, but I'm not where I want to be! So for health and aesthetics I'm searching out a good cleanse and exercise/food/accountability system. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

emily said...

Pilates! It has completely transformed my body. And eat what you crave (so long as it isn't fastfood/junk). I think too much fasting, diet control usually results in a huge backlash. I think exercise is key and making healthy (but not overly strict) eating choices is the way to go.